Tuesday, July 21, 2009

21.7.09 Nasturtium Flower designed by Sandra D. Halpenny

You will find the instructions for this nice and small flower at this link.
I realized that the way I have tried this Nasturtium flower a few months ago, is far from the elegant way Sandra D. Halpenny designed it. I really like the way Sandra designs her creations and would say they present for me an intellectual challenge. Additionally I admire the way she always find the shortest and heuristic pathway with the thread. I feel as if there is a lot of mathematics behind it and a good knowledge of the beading techniques.
The flower looks simple but it takes a while (around an hr, but it also depends on the type of beads you are using, in respect of their hole size).
How did Svetlana have the patience to do so many of them?????

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