Tuesday, November 27, 2007

23.11.07 Mom and Dad Birthday's presents

Among the presents I received from my dears, Mom bought for me this year, a birthday present in Paris. It was covered with orange "papier de soie", like a big candy. It reminds me of a Hanuka present I got about 25 years ago in Nice, in the Jewish school Hanuka party. I think this giant candy filled many good dreams I had since then:

And in the picture below you can see the moment every child is waiting for:
Sometimes, I miss this age :)

Mom wanted to give me the present immediately when she came back from Paris - but I asked her to wait and give it to me only on my real birthday date. Dad was so curious, he couldn't wait, but I insisted.
The big moment arrived and I opened this orange candy. I found inside a beautiful jewels-stand and some lampwork beads from "La rue des Rosiers" (Paris):

On the other hand, I sent Dad to bought for me 60 excellent plastic jars for my beads in Etz Hachaim 79 St, Mahane Yehuda - Jerusalem. He decided he is offering them to me for my birthday. I even had the time to make some order and fill some of them! I was waiting to do it for months...

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