
Friday, August 6, 2010

22.3-13.4.10, 6.8.10 Sunflower Brooch for Neora and Sunshine award from Andrea

Finally, I finished Nicky Epstein's Sunflower from the "Crocheted Flowers" Book, pp.17-19.
Here it is next to the sunflower from the "crochet bouquet" book:

I took this opportunity to publish a prize I have kindly received from Andrea's Bead Fancywork and ashamed it took me so many months to react to (Sorry Andrea :-( ).
So first, thank you so much Andrea for thinking about me and bringing me this award!
and now it's my turn to pass it on...

19 Feb 2010


The prize is the Sunshine award and here are the rules for accepting it:
  • put the logo on your blog or within your post
  • pass the award onto six bloggers
  • link the nominees within your post
  • let the nominees know, they have received this award by commenting on their blog
  • share the love and link to the person, from whom you received this award
One of the reason it took me so long to react to this award is that I have a giant mess with links of blogs that I didn't find the time to update in my blog list.
Unfortunately, I still haven't find the time for it, so as to be able to visit them all again and see who are my actual favorites.
Therefore, in order to react to this award when I am still alive, I will add some blogs that pop in my mind which I encountered recently. These are beautiful and inspiring blogs, while I do not forget there are many other favorites blogs/sites and artists that I love.

Ta da... so in this round, the six fortunate bloggers that I do not expect to necessary forward this ward if it become a neck-pain
  1. "Vezsuzsi Gyongyei" - Zsuzsi V. - for her endless creativity, originality, productivity, young mind, color choice, beads choice and for her various crafts & arts talent.
  2. "Les perles de Phylomene"/"Bravigou" - for her royal, original, inspiring, out of the box stunning beaded creations and poetry talent.
  3. "Le Gioie di Happyland" - Claudia, for being a gorgeous person, a generous talented artist, beading original, creative, neat, impressing, luxurious and cute designs - productively!
  4. "Perlenfieber "- you are dismissed from forwarding the award ;-), I know you hate this. For her originality, charming fruits and floral designs, such as the pumpkins, the squash and lilacs necklace.
  5. "Creations Laure"- for her beautiful and impressing designs, majestic color choice and generosity.
  6. "Flymouche" - for her beautiful, happy, colorful and original designs and creations.
  7. "Katyperles"- for her beautiful, colorful and original creations with her special twist.
  8. "Krisz design"- for her beautiful color palette that renders each jewel stunning even when simple.
Congratulations all!


  1. Thank you!!!
    I wish us all a sunshine in the heart!

    Kind regards

  2. Thank you very much for your words!

    I' am very happy. :)))))

  3. I love your crocheted flowers ! Sorry for the award, I did not see.

  4. Hello Judith, so...sorry but i don´t have seen your post ;o( ... it is so nice.. i like it ;o) you have done a lot of sunshine in my heart... thank you so much!!! Hug & Kisses Andrea

  5. Oh, quel beau commentaire ! Merci ! Et bravo aussi pour ton blog plein de fraicheur..
