
Thursday, January 14, 2010

15.1.10 Wool Dyeing Workshop with Yonit Crystal

The pictures below give you a glance on the ambiance of this colorful workshop we had, following the previous one on the Wool Spinning.
We started from soaking the clean wool and ended up with dyeing it with different plants from our surroundings. We used various methods and treatments, experimenting trials and errors.

Look what orange-reddish color can come from Eucalyptus kruseana leaves and stems!

On the other hand, the following Flame Vine/Venusta/Pyrostegia ignea, which is actually flamboyant nowadays in Rehovot, wasn't as promising as it looked.

We played with whatever we brought, such as these Hibiscus flowers who gave a bright grey dye (not shown here):

Look at one of Yonit's Dyed Wool indexes!!! She started recording her dyeing experiments since 1993 and has interesting secrets inside...

This small woven carpet is another type of index that she works with.

Finally, Uri, the founder of the whimsical "Old dairy" farm, called me to see these 2 spiders, apparently the big one is the female. They were quiet impressing...

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