
Saturday, July 4, 2009

4.7.09 The Brainstorming Kite Spiral

This Peyote spiral is a fruit of an interesting brainstorming we had in our Israeli Beading Commune around a Russian scheme of a Spiral done with a "French Flower Beading Technique" (2 needles crossovers). RuthyK addressed our attention to this spiral scheme which is very unclear to my opinion and it is nice how it pushed us to create beautiful variations around the same final shape.
Trying to decipher this unclear scheme, Ronit Florence came out with a beautiful increase/decrease RAW Spiral, using a peyote design by Ginger Ausband as the central motif:

I later on reproduced a module of such a RAW spiral in order to experience this technique of increase/decrease in Right Angle Wave:

Whereas Iris also did an interesting work while trying to experience the increase/decrease RAW Spiral. Since she found it a bit too long, she thought that maybe using peyote would give a very similar effect ,but would be much quicker.
I like this thought :-)

and when I saw these 2 variations one next to the other, I also decided to try the peyote way.
Since I got bored after the first module, I kept on with the modules, each time increasing it a bit more. From then on, the spiral went quiet quickly and I finished it during a weekend. I think it would have taken me a month if I had to do Ronit's spiral in RAW ;-)
It took some time till I accomplished the project since I had to obtain magnetic clasps.

Finally, if you ask why did I call it "The Brainstorming Kite Spiral"? You will surely guess it's because of the kites and deltoid shapes of which it reminds me...
Though I don't know what will I do with this spiral, since I am not so fond of it. I have no clothes to which it can suit and no idea what can go on well with it, I still want to Thank you warmly girls for the interesting process you lead me through. Hugzzzz....