
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

9.12.08 "Crazy Little Things" expo by Sarah Hornik

Varda and myself went today to have some beady fun day, having some shopping in Tel-aviv bead stores and ending in a visit to the Yaniv Glass Gallery, where we could see in real the legendary lampwork beads made by Sarah Hornik.
The small expo is called: "Crazy little things". Not much beads were exposed and the beads are very nice - some of them amazing. However, we were a bit disappointed. The reason, that I suspected of before going, is that Sarah knows to picture so well her beads, with the proper light - that when you see them in a regular light or no special light, they loose a lot from their charm. It's not that they are not wooow, they are still amazing, but not as they appear in her blog or site. I know, it's a matter of light , maybe someone could have a start up by coupling internal light into a lampwork bead, wouldn't that be fantastic?

In a small room, we could find other glass treasures. I especially liked the glass works of Ana Gautier. I still wonder about her name, I think she is a Russian-Israeli but the family name is so French?! Nevermind, she has a very special glass technique, producing a net of glass spaghetti. I fell in love with her earrings, though I would gladly have them in an opaque colour. If I could efford it, I would buy her ball in balls necklace - which is so special! See her at work (image 2 of 14), working on a common project with Ayala Serfaty.

Finally, I saw for the first time in reality, the masterpieces lampwork necklaces of Rachel Goldreich (or Rachelle). I was left with open mouse. What joy, spring and colours in her work. Additionally, she is such a modest and kind person.

At last, that was the story of our journey, we came back home full of beads from all the year's end sales and now I need to buy new boxes to arrange them :-[

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