
Saturday, February 16, 2008

16.2.08 A Flower spiral with a cabochon pendant

This project was a great therapy for this week in which I got a nasty virus.
The virus is gone and the spiral is completed!
This beautiful flower spiral was developed by Naki, a talented women in our bead commune.
This week, I did my first cabochon with a Medium vitrail (Green AB) Rivoli and delicas.
The result was so nice and the ring I made from it was almost completed. I only had to hide the threads.
I was so enthusiastic I succeeded making a cabochon after unpicking only once, I tried to made another one with a simple purple "nuggets" glass and Japanese 11 seed beads.
It came up quiet nice too.
I went to sleep and in the morning I came back to my new Rivoli cabochon, almost completed.
I then discovered huge holes in the sides!!!! Delicas were broken and the cabochon was ruined :(
I was so disappointed and couldn't understand how could that possibly had happened?!
Aposteriori, I discovered it was mistakenly smashed against the table and got bad hits.
My tiny hope was in that nuggets cabochon. I thought it may serve as a pendant, so I looked for a suiting necklace.
It didn't take long before the spiral flower popped up and then the therapy began. Monotonic but therapeutic, this is the way spirals are.
A new challenge arrived when I had to connect the cabochon to the spiral and a simple peyote strip didn't do the job. Finally, a double peyote strip connected to a triangular shape seemed to fit well and I find the result quiet satisfying.


  1. !!השרשרת מדהימה
    .והקבושון ממש מוסיף
    ,תהיי בריאה

  2. The necklace is stunning! the colors you used are wonderful, and it sits very pretty on you neck. Well done!

    Smadar :)

  3. I join to Smadar, this necklace is marvellous, with beautiful colours and unobjectionable work! Congratulate!:)

  4. Il est magnifique !!!! et ta spirale, quel travail impressionnant !
    Une vraie petite merveille de finesse, bravo !

    Grosses bises.

  5. This necklace is wonderful and the spiral is very-very unique!
    Great job! Congrats :)

  6. Witam!Pomysłowe.. ;)

  7. Thank you dora and facetmorski!
    I wish I knew polish ;)


  8. Vraiment superbe !!!!! je suis sous le charme et les couleurs sont MAGNIFIQUES !!!!

  9. Superbe association de couleurs! J'aime beaucoup ton collier! Le tour de cou est magnifique! Bises

  10. This is so beautyfull.... I really like what you do with these little beads.... It' really an honour, that you put a link of my blog on your site! Thanks.....

  11. Yes its so wunderful - i live it

  12. I like the color combination - very interesting!

  13. Hey, very nice necklace,
    I have read ( ) that you have writen down this variation. Can you tell me, where I can find it?

  14. Jonna, you can send me an email to judith27k (a)

  15. Hi Judith,
    I love this lovely Flower spiral, very much.
    How can I get the pattern?
    Thanks a lot.

  16. questa spirale è veramente meravigliosa:
    Posso chiedere per favore dove posso trovare un tutorial????



  17. hola podria compartir conmigo en tutorial del espiral flower te agradeceria

  18. Hello judith27k:
    I love your bracelet, is wonderful.
    Can you tell me, where I can find it?
