
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

20-23.5.12 Reproduction trial of BeadMatrix Automn leaves Earrings

I don't remember how I came across these leaves earrings of Catherine Ross (BeadMatrix), but for sure I found them spectacular. Maybe it was through the Etsy beadweavers challenges.
Anyway, meantime that I am at home and I can rarely find the time to bead (yes, funny how in-obvious it became), I put them in my earrings wishlist to decipher.
They were more challenging than I thought and I still didn't solve how this beautiful creation was exactly beaded.
Here is my version, which is too curly to my opinion, but Omer loves it. There are several places which I didn't find the path to, such as the area next to the earwires. Still, I love the colors very much and just love this design!
Trying to reproduce a pair made me only appreciate more what a bright mind could design and create them.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

19.5.12 Reproduction of Tamar (Pavie) Keny Very long Mandala Earrings

It's been some time that I have discovered Tamar's beadwork and Micromacrame jewelry.
Tamar is a friend of a good friend of mine, but I know her only virtually.
I found her tremendously talented and I remain speechless of the color combinations she has in mind!
Too tempted by her designs, I wanted to try her very long Mandala earrings.
I had a new shirt in black and pink dots that I wanted them to fit to.
The color combination I chose are very disappointing to my opinion, since they don't fit my skin color. They are really big as well. However, I like the presence look they give, but as I said, this is not the pair for me :-(
I should try another combo some day.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

17.5.12 "Flame tree earrings" published in Kalmbach "Stitch Workshop: Herringbone Stitch, Basic techniques, advanced results"

This will be the third time now that the "Flame tree earrings" are published (1st, 2nd). Here on the cover page of the Kalmbach book I've just received "Stitch Workshop: Herringbone Stitch, Basic techniques, advanced results".

The article appears on pp. 45-47

Thursday, May 3, 2012

3.5.12 Beautiful flowering cactus

I thought it was the 1st time I see this cactus flowering, but discovered that one year ago, it did the same.
The following ones were pictured on 10.6.12, one of the very few days in June this year where 4 of our cactuses were flowering at the same time, but not necessarily together. Some opened only in the afternoon. It makes a feeling of such a colorful summer!