
Sunday, November 30, 2008

30.11.08 "Time for teapots" designed by Diane Fitzgerald

At the beginning of November I saw the Teapot that Mariposas made and I immediately fell in love with it. I waited impatiently to the B&B magazine to arrive and from there on, I had a great time spending with this wonderful teapot, geniusly designed by Diane Fitzgerald (B&B December 2008, Issue 88, "Time for teapots", p.113-116). What's amusing, is that Mariposas fell in love too and also posted today her second beautiful teapot, only that this time it is also accompanied with all its set, cups, milk bottle, cookies etc... Check it!
The pattern of the Iris and flowers popped so naturally from the teapot and I think much of the color style is influenced from my good beader friend Pnina, but also Varda. The spiral is the Magatama spiral by Laura McCabe, with a small variation.
I had to figure out all the connections, time will say if it's comfortable or not to wear...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

23.11.08 Hey, today it's my birthday :-) and I got a nice present from Andrea: "Premio Dardos" Award

Thank you Andrea for awarding me with the "Premio Dardos"!
In English
The rules of this award are as follows: show the image of the award on your blog, link back to the blog that gave the award, and nominate 15 other blogs that you consider deserving the same.

In Italian
Il premio "Dardos" (freccette) riconosce i valori che ogni blogger dimostra ogni giorno, nel suo impegno a trasmettere valori culturali, etici, letterari e personali, in breve mostra la sua creatività in ogni cosa che fa.Queste sono le regole:1. Accettare e visualizzare l'immagine del premio e far rispettare le regole2. Linkare il blog che ti ha premiato3. Premiare altri 15 blog e avvisarli del premio.

I am too lazy today to update 15 blogs, so I may do it on another day...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

13.11.08 Hexagonal Pillow Earrings designed by Valerie Hector

A fun project from the recent B&B (Bead and Button, December 2008, Issue 88, p.52-54).
Thank you Pnina for the purple cat eye and wooden beads!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

6.11.08 Tatting and a fun day

I had today an intensive and very fun day with my beaders friends and later on also with my best highschool friend.

My friend Pnina taught me how to do Tatting with a needle and the needles from the USA are already on the way. We went to a nice restaurant and met a very special woman who unveiled to us all crochet essentials! I don't know crochet yet (except the crochet beaded spiral) but the best would be to learn it from someone who really knows it well. (An additional craft in my "to do" list or more accurately "to learn" list...).

Back to the tatting technique, I find it a bit too "antique" for me, but I think that using colourful threads can make fabulous jewelry out of it.

I am impatient to practice it. Meanwhile, I tried to use the shuttle I had bought some time ago, but it is a bit complicated and I am not sure I got it right...

You won't usually see my "half works", but here is an exception :-)